Harloo my fren,
just come bck from malacca n going to update my blogging
i had dye my hair on tuesday nite with my girl together;)
it uesd up almost 5 hour
thx my lovely man ,welldone!he really kinda busy,love you dear!
wednesday morning*
we 2 girls start from somewhere with a plesant mood
DESTINATION, the 1st main was check in
after tat we goes for walk arond de 'ju xiong gai' !that good's
the weather was scorching hot ! it huge

we was very funny ,laughted non-stop
Speak with Japanese and hongkong words.hahaha
ppl who those consider us r foreigner
everybody they was very friendly
pica pica pica
loooook dis one ! hahahah my comic sales rate is bad,work failed haha
eat and eat and eat ,delicious laksa! eat 1 shot drink 1 shot cold ice,damn spicy
can u imagine how Spiciness?!?!
of cause,we never let off where d place most famous 'lulut' at there!
after eat mc ,enjoy the beauty scenery wif very high degree Occurred a funny thing angin, we startle from d door,somebody nock.......... really funny at d moment hahhahahah girl!;)nextday* we having a breakfast buffet in the hotel a porter he scald my hand sunddenly,ish pity sound..suck serviceshopping at the biggest mall,buy some stock here without
potatoes wif seaweed taste,my sis favouritewe played archery,it difficult to hold cause i 'm too light ,hahai be the 1st customer at d shop.worker told me , i feel glad xd
a few only . is tat all
golden time were past ,very happy dis perfect trip together wif u girl;)
we r feeling beter and better everyday
muacks,and thx my family !
hope u will suprise my present;) lalallalalala
be continue
happy holiday !