oh ya,it's aug! i 'm back . i always dissolved into giggles. ;-*
last week i went to cinema twice time , cheong k ,played badminton game with my cool niggas.
i know my life are amazing .just Stay stunning !teehee.. I miss my home .I miss my family
I miss him. I miss my gir.l I miss my JB's friends.I miss my dog .
I miss those delicious foods. I miss all of them ! I wanna back home ): You can imagine that how desire i am
More 5 days. couting day to day start from now .i m coming !>3
Blogging .
My blog look fresh with the new design ,yea? Turn it up!
Crap timeCrap time.
i found this picture at my pendrive ;-D Gossip non-stop everyday.
we have so much drama,so many disasters but we'll always face the fate together.
You know,friends like this,that she'll go through life with and share all the good stuff with you .
Thanks God!i have you always.C♥
Hi soulmate! you have no idea how much i miss you >:
We slpt together for a long period of time !You Looked hot while wearing a knickers!hahahaa
Sexy baby ,what are you doing right now? SAD FACE !
i can't stop laughing to watch our noob video .it's the best video i ever had haahaha
we did a lots of stupid video. LOL !
hey my pretty babe. your b'day is coming up in 15th of AUG.
Apologize that i can't accompany you this year . i bought a great present for you!
Hope you like it ! Heart you >3 . i'll always be there for you.